Remember that one time in my last blog post, I mentioned that maybe it will finally be spring the next time I blog? Good one Dana.
Vada Marie turned 6 months old April 4th. I am in awe of her, I love her so. In the past few weeks she has started so many things. Unfortunately teeth are not one of those things. I swear she has been teething for 3 months now with no end, or teeth, in sight. Which has made for a very drooly fussy little girl, who is usually so happy. I digress. Vada has been a strong sitter for a while now, and has even pulled herself up to standing a few times, if the time and place is right. She now can roll from back to belly, up on all 4's rocking, then up and over to the sitting position! Such a big girl. Speaking of which, at her 6 month check up she was 18lbs 1.5oz (75-90th%), height and head escape me right now but I know they were 90% and 95% respectively. She also started what we like to call "beat-boxing," this hilarious raspberry sucking in thing she does with her mouth, so cute. Her eyes are DEFINITELY not blue, much to Ben's dismay. I really think they are going to be a magnificent hazel, we shall see! And those dimples are here to stay. We are going through a "phase," if you will, whether it's teething or growth spurt or what, where she only wants me. Won't take a bottle from Ben, and I seem to be the only one that can console her when she gets worked up. And she is always looking for me if I am not the one holding her. It can be frustrating at times, but then my mom reminded me that they are not this little for long, and it is sweet that Vada is so attached to me. So true, so I savor every fussy clingy moment there is, and thank God for my healthy beautiful children, no matter how hard a certain day at home may be.
Thatcher is currently on a Monsters Inc. and E.T. kick. I am thankful for the break from Toy Story. And he is getting to be SO smart. Today, for example, he watched me silently as I changed Vada's diaper then asked me where her penis is. SO cute! We've now established that Thatcher and Daddy have penises, and Mommy and Vada do not.
As far as house hunting, we have found THE ONE! It was the very first house we looked at, and after looking at 6 more we couldn't stop thinking and talking about "the blue one on Brynn." So now we are in the process of my mom officially and legally purchasing our home, and we will then make an offer on the blue house. We have big dreams and ideas for it, the bones of the house are perfect for us, it just needs some cosmetic updating and a fenced in back yard.
And last but not least, SAM AND AMANDA are HERE! They have officially moved to Wheaton, IL from Orlando, FL to be closer to us and the kids, how fun and amazing is that?!
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