Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's a blessing to be busy.

As always in the Skwirut household, there is a lot going on and lately I've been feeling slightly overwhelmed. But I think a lot of that has to do with your run of the mill jam packed summer.

Ben's "staycation" was wonderful. I think I prefer staycations over vacations. You have all the comforts of home, and all the time to do fun things as a family in the area or just relax at home. We did so much over that week, let's see if I can remember most of it.

It started with my birthday weekend; my 28th birthday is now in my top 5 birthdays :)
That started with a visit from my mother in law with gifts, breakfast with friends and my Mom at my favorite breakfast restaurant (on my birthday and the next day with my dad and sister), Splash Station with friends, and Bubba Gumps on Navy Pier, just me and Ben. I got a lot of wonderful gifts, a Sony A330 DSLR camera from my boys (way to go Ben!!!) and from my Dad a gift card to American Girl Place to get the 2010 girl for Vada. That Sunday my Grandma cooked amazing pork chops for dinner and we had cake.

Other staycation activities:
Joliet Splash Station 3 times.
Out to eat a few times.
Brookfield Zoo.
Hanging out with family.
The mall.
A time or two of me getting to go do something by myself, like a hair appointment :)

And Ben got to come with to Thatcher's 18 month check up. Thatcher gained 2lbs in 3 months and grew 2 inches in 3 months. His height is now off the charts. And finally I didn't get asked "How tall is your husband?" because he was sitting right there!

I know I say this a lot, but Thatcher is developing by leaps and bounds every day. I feel really blessed to be home with him and get to witness it all. He says a few things more consistantly now, like "bye" "ut-oh" "ma" "okay" "ball" "yeah" and his all time favorite "all done." The other day I was in the breezeway on the phone and I hear "MA! MA! MA!" He was in the dog crate and wanted me to see lol. He is so stinking smart, he understands so much and you can just see the wheels turning in his head. He signs "please" like there's no tomorrow because he knows that usually gets him what he wants. I am so excited to see him interact with his little sister, I know he is going to adore her and be so helpful. He'll already go get a diaper and bring it to me when I ask him for it :)

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