Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How tall is your husband?

This is the question I get asked at EVERY check-up for Thatcher. We went in for his 15 month check-up today (a few weeks late): Weight 26lbs 13oz = 75th percentile. Head 48.25 cm = 75th percentile. Height 33.5 in = 96th percentile. He is one tall healthy boy :)
His pediatrician asked me a bunch of questions today to see how he's doing developmentally. (By the way I LOVE his pediatrician, she's the bees knees). She said by now he should be saying 3-5 words pretty clearly and consistantly. I let her know he has said lots of words in the past, mama dada ball all done yeah out, but nothing consistant and lately he's been babbling like a mad man, holding conversations about who knows what :) She did not seem concerned at all, he checked off absolutely everything else on her list. She said it's around 18 months that the flood gates usually open and they are pretty good with 5-10 words.
The other day we were visiting my grandma in the nursing home, and I was sitting on her bed. Thatcher was standing on the bed behind me playing with my hair. It was like the Holy Spirit pinched his butt and he started speaking in tongues. It was HILARIOUS. We were cracking up.
Tonight was such a beautiful spring night. Ben had to work late so I grilled (somewhat successfully) turkey burgers for dinner. When he got home I sat on the picnic table and watched my husband and son play. They were strolling along the sidewalk and stopped to show each other their belly buttons, it was quite the sight to see and made my heart melt.

The little boy Caleb we were praying for went home to be with Jesus last week. We will always be praying for his mom and family. I never met him but he certainly touched my heart.

1 comment:

  1. He is a big boy! Kendra has always done the developmental stuff on her own time. As long as he continues to progress you don't have anything to worry about at all! Glad to hear all is going well with Baby #2!
