Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh Oprah.

I'm soooo excited, for the 2nd time in my life I am going to the Oprah show! The first time I went was in 2006. I was browsing the internet at work as usual, and just happened upon last minute reservations for a live taping. I took my mom, Kara, and Ben's mom. It was a super cool experience, unfortunately it was about Al Gore and his global warming movie. Boooooring ;)
This time we get to see Steve Carell and Tina Fey, and we get to screen their movie before the taping! I'm excited that I get to experience an Oprah show one more time before she goes off the air, and I'm excited it's going to be a cool show this time. Plus a date day for me and Ben, woo-hoo! He's not super excited about being downtown super early but he's going to suck it up for me :)
Today Thatcher's friend Lincoln and his mom Julie came over for a play date. It was so nice because they interact so well together and we even got to spend some time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Thatcher looooves playing outside, he'll even bring me his shoes when he hears "outside," or he'll go open the breezeway door. He's so smart :)
And then I made uncooked chicken for lunch, that was pretty awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Made an uncooked chicken? So...hopefully by the time you ate it it WAS a cooked chicken, right???
