Saturday, September 5, 2009

8 months and all that jazz.

It's almost 5am. Thatcher woke up about an hour ago, I think he was chilly, so I patted him down, put a blanket on him and he's out. He's doing better with sleeping through the night, and I'm trying to read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child to help me help Thatcher sleep better. I'm only on the second chapter, I feel like the author is kind of using scare tactics so it makes me a little nervous, but I'm hopeful it will help. Anyways for some reason I'm up instead of being back in bed. So why not blog :)
He is 8 months old today. I can't believe it. It's like he was just born yesterday. I LOVE him as a baby, but the older he gets the more fun it is to hang out with him. He is a talker and so mobile and all over the place now, I can't imagine how much more mobile he'll be when he can walk. Thatcher is also really paying attention when I sing stuff to him, like the ABC's and the books of the bible. For some reason I always get stuck after Song of Songs, so I'm hoping singing it to him will help me get them all memorized. One of the things I'm most excited about is teaching him about Jesus and for him to lead his bedtime prayers with Mommy and Daddy. He's such a good boy, and hilarious. I think he gets that from his mom.
It's Labor day weekend, which means it's officially fall, woo-hoo! Fall is by far my favorite time of year. Perfect weather, and tons of excitement in the air. In the movie You've Got Mail, Tom Hanks says something about it reminding him of a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.

"But, oh, I love my life And all that jazz."


  1. Yay! Your blog. :) They grow up so stinkin fast. I remember Kendra being everywhere when she was crawling and walking didn't make much difference. BUT - once they are tall enough to reach things on the counter that changes things. :) Things have to be pushed WAY back. Enjoy the baby phase, the toddler phase is a little more difficult, but we are getting better sleep!

  2. Bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils. I get it and I like it.

    And in reference to an old blog post of yours I just read, almost every night I go in and check on August and want to wake him up just to cuddle with a warm little baby body and feel little baby hands grab on to my shoulder. Sigh.
