Monday, October 12, 2009

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

We had soooo much fun at the pumpkin patch yesteray. This time last year Ben was working a turn-around at work and I was very pregnant. Kara came with me to the patch with my small group. When we were wrapping up I called my Grandma to see if I could come over, but she told me no because all of my baby shower stuff was all over her house and she didn't want me to see it. Fast forward to yesterday, and I'm at the same patch with Ben and our now 9 month old son. It wasn't until yesterday that I realized what a fun age 9 months is. Thatcher really and truly seemed to enjoy every bit of the 2 hours we were there yesterday. I think his favorite part was playing in the corn kernels with his buddy Carsten. My heart grew a few sizes yesterday, seeing my son enjoy an activity that was meant for him. At the end I picked out a pumpkin for Thatcher and showed it to him, he immediately got this huge grin on his face and then tried to eat the pumpkin :) He cracks me up.
At his 9 month check up he was 21 lbs 14oz, and 29 & 3/4 in long. He has 4 teeth that have cut through, and now the two top front middle are about to cut through. He smiles, laughs, crawls, makes the raspberry noise on his own, lays his head on you, walks with his "shopping cart" as I like to call it, loooves Georgia and Auto, jibber jabbers, says mama and dada, loves pulling dvds off the rack, loves climbing on and over his Winnie the Pooh chair, the list goes on and on. I like that this blog helps me to keep track of his milestones, but shoot I need to update his baby book now.

In other news, IT'S FALL! MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR, WEEEEE! I love the weather, fashion, anticipation of upoming holidays, food, tra la la!