Monday, May 31, 2010

My Girl.

This past Saturday, May 29th, we got our 20 week ultrasound done. Both of our dads got to come with, and I'm so glad they did, you could tell they enjoyed it so much. I initially did not want to find out the sex of the baby, but over time, Ben had me on board. With Thatcher, I just knew he was a boy the whole time even though we didn't find out. This time, all the old wives tales pointed to girl, but I still didn't really have a feeling either way. And of course since we wanted to find out, the baby would NOT open her legs for NOTHING.

During the ultrasound the tech said she saw some things that led her to be 90% sure it was a girl. It was sooo neat to see our fully formed baby. I still feel kind of small for being 20 weeks, so to see a long baby in there was crazy. The tech said she was right on track as far as my due date, give or take a day. Every time the tech went back to the baby's head, she was talking, constantly moving her little mouth! The tech was so nice and did everything she could to get the baby to open her legs without much success. But the very last shot she got made her sound more confident that it was a girl. I strained my eyes the entire time looking for a penis or testicles and never saw any, and that very last shot I saw 3 little white lines down there, something that's supposed to be a sign of a girl. So right as we left I asked the tech if she would still say 90% sure, and she said, "Oh no, I'd say 95% sure now." So that was kind of reassuring, but Ben and I are still hesitant to all out celebrate until we see it 100%. So, off to a 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks :)

If this little miracle is in fact a girl, her name is Vada Marie. Vada is from the movie My Girl, one of my all time favorite movies. The main character Vada is so imaginative and adventurous; I just love her spirit. That is what I imagine my little girl will be like. Marie is my middle name, as well as the middle name of every girl on my mom's side; it's in honor of my Grandma Mary.
Once we have the 3D ultrasound and know for sure, you will see a slightly different post full of hysterical excitement ;)

In other news, Vada's(?) big brother Thatcher is growing leaps and bounds. He's still not saying many words, although he tries, but he is constitantly signing "more," "all done," and the newest that I taught him is "please." He even knows when to use it without prompting. He gives high 5's when asked, and when you ask him how old he is, he holds up one pointer finger. He understands SO much now, the list is too long to type out on here. He is one smart and incredibly handsome cookie. And I have yet to meet a child his age that is bigger than him. Shoot I think he's even taller than every 2 year old I have met so far.

And Happy Memorial Day to all that have served and will serve our country. I am extremely proud that one of those men is my husband :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pregnancy brain.

Pregnancy brain is a real disease. You are diagnosed with it the moment you become pregnant. 99% of pregnant women suffer daily from the affects of PB, and sadly there is no cure, because even when the woman gives birth, part of her brain leaves her body when the baby does.

That's an excerpt from some medical journal, I swear ;)

PB has claimed many moments in my life, recently I have forgotten important meetings and just things in general. But the best PB moment happened last night. It was late and I was headed to bed. I went to the kitchen to take my prenatal vitamin and to get Georgia her pain medication (from getting hit by a car this week).

You guessed it.

I took Georgia's pill on accident! It's NOTHING like my vitamin! The vitamin is a giant maroon horse pill, her pain pill is a tiny white pill, broken in half no less! The second I swallowed I realized what I did and freaked out. I called my mom and she said there was nothing to worry about. Georgia's pain pill is simliar to tylenol, and it's half a pill for a 15lb dog, so it would take about 10 full pills to make one regular dose for me. So I'm pretty sure that puts me in the clear.
