Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm embarrassed to admit I already bought Thatcher's Halloween costume. That's right. I know it's only July.

Grape Crush

Currently Thatcher is asleep in the stroller, in the living room. We just went for a super long walk to the gas station (to purchase the above mentioned soda pop) and back while Ben is out collecting landscaping supplies (this landscaping will be the death of me I'm sure). So anyway Thatcher fell asleep on the walk and instead of taking him out of the stroller I just left him in it and brought it in the living room. I squeeze out whatever naps I can get from him :)
Since last post, he is crawling all over the place with no problem, pulling himself up all over the place, and he loves getting up on the bottom shelf of the coffee table. And if he's crawling around and I'm not paying attention, the next thing I know I feel the little fishy nibbling on my toes with his two little teeth! He's like a piranha. A piranha that doesn't sleep through the night anymore. But it is getting better, slowly but surely. The past few nights he's been getting up around 1am, I'll pat his back for a little bit but then give up and crawl back into bed. He cries for a few minutes and then the next thing I know it's 5 or 6am. Of course the one day I had to get up early to go into work for a few hours, I had to wake him up at 7am to leave. Go figure.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Diet Pepsi is my friend.

Ok so crap, I wanted to blog sooner than this but oh well. The important thing is, BEN IS BACK FROM TEXAS. I told him he is NEVER allowed to leave me for extended periods of time again. Thatcher's two front bottom teeth have decided to make their appearance, so bye bye sleeping through the night. It's been giving me flashbacks to those first few weeks home with him, man that was scary *shudder* I'm glad we survived it. It's crazy how the second he turned 6 months he started doing all this new stuff. There's the teeth thing, he can sit up really well by himself, he pulls himself up to standing in the crib and ROARS like a velociraptor, and is seriously on the verge of crawling.
They finally hired someone to replace me at Bethany. I got a twinge of jealousy when my director told me, I felt a bit territorial if you will about someone taking over what I've done the past 3 years. But I'm very glad at the same time. I will slowly phase out as I train her and she phases in. But our director would like me to stay connected with Bethany, which I am happy to do. I think he recognizes that I am a good worker :)
My parents' divorce is final. Maybe I'll go more into that on another post. But for now, next subject.
I'm on a huge humus kick right now. More specifically sun-dried tomato flavored humus. Every time I eat it I hear Phoebe from friends go "I've got the humus!" (From my all time favorite episode, "The One Where No One's Ready.")

Ta ta for now.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Look Ma!

What a crazy fun exhausting wonderful life we live...
I shipped Ben off to Texas yesterday, boo. I over-packed my day, and I paid for it last night. We left the house at 5am to take Ben to O'hare, came home, went to church, went to our friend's house for a 4th of July party, visited Grandma who was back from her trip to Brazil, then I finally make it home and my work cell phone rings, I had to go pick up a baby and take her to interim care. So I called my mom exhausted and crying and she was over in 15 minutes to watch the baby. I got home at 10pm. Needless to say I'm a day behind on my P90x workout. That's ok cuz Tony Horton probably would've pushed me over the edge last night.
Thatcher must be teething because he's crabby ALL the time lately and not sleeping well. He's been sitting up on his own really well lately, so today I set him in his crib to play. I was playing peek-a-boo with him and the next thing I know he's pulling himself up to standing! I was shocked and he was thrilled. I'm so glad I'm able to be home with him so I get to witness these things myself.
The house is in total disarray, oh well. I forgot to get the garbage out this morning, so that's 2 weeks in a row we've missed it. Oops.
I wish I could just snap my fingers and stop time like Zack Morris so I can have a moment to breathe, catch up on things, and spend time with God and renew my spirit a little.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Good Times

For our little mini vacation this year, Ben and I decided we would load up the baby and spend a few days with my aunt and uncle in Tremont, IL. My Aunt Barbara is my dad's sister (his only sibling). Kara and I are very close with her, and growing up everyone thought she was my mother when we were together (we look a lot alike).
My Uncle Don owns a funeral home (Davis Mortuary) and their house is attached to it (creepy for me, Ben loves it). The home part is beautiful and inviting, Barbara has great decorating skills.
Our first afternoon here, Wednesday evening, we were all hanging out watching Thatcher zoom around the kitchen in his little car walker. The "Amish" family across the street pulled into their driveway so Barbara and I dashed to the windows to be creepers and watch them unload into the house. Reason being is that there are 6 kids, 1 boy and 5 girls, and they do not wear shoes in their house. So one by one big brother carries all of his little sisters into the house on his back from the van. It was so interesting to watch when they were all finished I exclaimed "This is better than TV!" Maybe you had to be there...
My 27th birthday was yesterday. Weird. I had a very hard time with 25, 27 just feels weird I guess. (Before we left for Tremont Ben gave me my birthday gifts from him, 2 beautiful dresses from Hansen's in Manhattan! (Good job Ben!))We went to the pool in town and did water aerobics in the morning, which was hilarious and fun (Kara, her bf Nick, and my dad had come down for the day. The guys hung out with the baby at the side of the pool, they did not join in the aerobics). Then we played with Uncle Don's new Harley (riding on the back with my dad makes me feel like a kid again) and his old go cart in the afternoon, then we went for dinner at Gil's, this fabulous little country restaurant in the middle of no where. It was a wonderful day. I missed my mom, but she is in Brazil at the moment on a missions trip with church.
Tonight is our last hoorah here, I'm sad to go tomorrow, it's been so nice spending time here. Another highlight was going to the little town grocery store, it was so quaint and charming.
Sunday I take Ben to O'hare because he's going to Texas for work for a week, boo. I asked if Thatcher and I could come, he said no. Hmm. :)